The department trains the students in Human Anatomy using traditional and innovative methods. All faculty members are provided with computers and the offices have internet connections. The postgraduate qualified faculty are trained in teaching and student evaluation. There are normal and clinically relevant for regular small group discussions with students. The well-equipped micro-anatomy laboratory is available for research. Rachana Sharir Museum, Dissection Hall, Tutorial Room, Faculty Room, Departmental Library, Cadaver Room, Embalming Room, Store Room are also available in the department.

The facilities meet all the requirements of undergraduate teaching and learning. Micro-anatomy laboratory is well-equipped with audiovisual facilities. The department having high quality Histology Microscopic slides, bones, instruments, equipments, charts, models, specimens etc. Active body donor programs cater to the requirement of cadavers for efficient training of undergraduate students.

Sharir Rachana is an important subject for Ayurved course. Sharir Rachana department is well equipped with adequate space as per CCIM norms. Student gets both theory and practical knowledge in this subject. Teaching staff is as per CCIM norms. Dissection hall is adequate with two tanks to preserve dead bodies. Ii is well ventilated. Dissected organs of all systems are collected and preserved in our museum. Ayurveda and modern books are sufficient in our departmental library. Adequate numbers of modern charts are available. Modern technique is used for teaching.

  • Trains undergraduate Ayurved Medical students
  • Cadavers regularly stored in the storage with uninterrupted power & air supply
  • Lecture theatres with full-fledged audio-visual units
  • Anatomy Museum has the TV monitor connected to the microscope for demonstration of the microscopic slides
  • Cadaveric dissection hall with LCD’s for regular video demonstration of dissection classes
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